Happy Hour
What is Happy Hour?
Happy Hour is a program at the shelter where members of the community can check an approved dog out between the hours of 10-5PM on Mon-Tue or Thur-Sat. Happy Hour has so many benefits. The dogs get exercise, more human interaction, and get out of the stressful shelter environment. If you or your family is looking for a way to get involved, Happy Hour may be the program for you!
Where can I take the dog?
You can take the dog anywhere that dogs are allowed. The main thing we require is that you DO NOT let the dog off leash or take the dog to an off-leash dog park. Also, due to a legal request by the University of Alabama we ask that you do not take the dogs onto the University’s campus.
What do I need to participate?
You will need to sign up on https://tmas.givepulse.com. Upload your ID, sign the waiver, read the rules, and sign up for a day and time.
The Rules
Please abide by the rules listed below. Failure to do so may result in losing the privilege to participate in the Happy Hour program.
1. You must be over 18 to participate.
2. Do not EVER allow the animal off leash.
3. Stay with the dog at all times.
4. Only 1 dog per car.
5. Return the Animal by 5:00 PM.
If you have any questions, you can contact the office receptionist for more information about the Happy Hour program.
Humane Education

If you would like us to visit your school, class, or organization to speak about TMAS, what we do, or about general topics in animal welfare, please submit a request through this contact form
Get in touch with us.
Rescue and Transports
Rescue and transporting are vital in our life-saving work. We partner with organizations across the US who aren't struggling to find homes for the animals in their care. We transport animals to those supportive rescue groups who typically already have homes waiting for the animals we are sending.

This is MARV (Mobile Adoption Rescue Vehicle). We use MARV to travel all over the United States to various rescue organizations. Rescues in higher populated areas can often place animals into homes much faster than we can. When we can have an outcome (rescue or adoption) for an animal set up upon intake, that means we can focus on other animals in our care and help our community faster. If animals sit in the shelter for days and weeks, more are still coming in each day. Our goal is to decrease length of stay and have an outcome for each animal quickly in order to save lives.
We are preparing for a transport to Pennsylvania in this picture. It takes multiple staff members and volunteers to prepare for such an event. Animals require approval by receiving organization. The list is formulated. That organization starts to search for homes with the pictures we send. On the other end, we start to label cages, stock the bus, medically prepare the animals we are sending (spay/neuter, appropriate vaccinations, animals must acquire a health certificate prior to leaving), print out appropriate documentation, and create packets for each animal for the receiving organization to have. Once everything is ready and on the appropriate leave date, we place the animals on transport vehicle, secure them, and leave.